AZ - Sayings Maxim Proverb
You can't differentiate without running into insanity.
When you go to bed, don't play with your phone and go to sleep quickly. It will save you a lot of time and help you live a more regular life.
Anxiety is a driving force.
Drinking exposes a person's true nature. It serves as a tool to reaffirm the noiseless purpose of life.
To get assets, don't get gold, build a system to get gold. The value of gold changes.
Negative emotions can be the strongest motivation. Therefore, view unfavorable situations as opportunities.
If you aspire to start a business, spending 8 hours a day at your day job is undesirable. If possible, you should work remotely or take a less busy job. Unless your day job is for starting a business.
You don't need inspiration to start a business. You just need to combine existing things, improve quality, or branding.
Speed is the best evaluation in terms of cost-effectiveness.
Scheduling should be severe. Even if you don't achieve it, you will gain a lot. Of course, you must go into the project with the intention of achieving it.
Let's look at reality, not vague dreams and hopes. Let's make a plan.
Let's find a way to make the most of even our shortcomings.
If you plan and work hard, you will not be anxious. You can be positive. However, the plan must be in line with reality. Otherwise, you will never be able to change the very environment that makes you anxious.
Getting the job done well is akin to getting things done the way you want them done.
Try to make it a habit to learn just a few things in a day that are completely unrelated to your business.
First of all, let's become professionals who are above average in one field.
If you are recognized, you will enjoy your work.
Few people are educated to start a business. Even if you don't have any new ideas, you can succeed to some extent if you understand how society works and take action.
Do what you want to do. That creates the best motivation and performance.
Instead of looking forward to the weekend, let's look forward to the end of the day.
Understand the risks objectively. Understand where your legal responsibilities lie when the time comes. That way, most things are not worth fearing.
If there is a high turnover rate in the industry you are a part of, we all have our own thoughts and concerns. You are not alone in your distress.
Fear of failure will not allow you to succeed. Be proactive and make meaningful mistakes.
It is motivating to embody the process of achieving what you want to do and to have a vision for success.
Work is supposed to be hard. You get paid for the hardship and the time. Fun is what you pay to get.
Do not misuse energy. Use it in reality, not in fantasy. Otherwise, you will end up in a lifetime of delusion.
Appearance can make a great deal of impression. Have a sense of cleanliness.
Be polite, but not condescending. If you get licked, you will not be able to do your job.
When you are new, it is the time to learn. It is in the beginning that you can ask a lot of questions. Don't be fooled by the saying that newcomers can go home. In the long run, this will result in less overtime hours and a higher position, which is good for your mental health.
Arrive at work early, even if it is only for a few minutes. It will make a big difference in your impression.
If you are not in the habit of studying, you must study during your commute. You must have an iron will to study even when the train is packed or you are drunk. Don't just look at a book.
The goal is success, not failure. It is a waste of time to be on edge in anticipation of failure.
You should plan your life ahead with a proper awareness of your purpose and not be bound by general social norms. Note that this does not mean that it is okay to break the law.